This program provides community service opportunities to youth ages 11 - 19 in foster care. This program provides structure, teaches the youth skills, and helps the youth gain community service hours that can look good on transcripts for college (if they so choose that route). You get to choose how many hours you want your youth to attain and there is a one time fee for those hours. Click the link below to sign up for community service hours for your youth.
This class is made to help adults know how to better connect with the children and youth in their life whether it's at work, church, or at home. We provide ideas on how to connect with children and youth from birth to age 19 based off their developmental age. This class also provides information on how attachment is connected to being able to connect with children and youth, along with, the psychology behind connection in the brain. Each child or teen needs just ONE caring adult to gain a positive outcome. Will that be you? Click the link below to sign up today!
Parent Skill Integration
Having a safe, sometimes neutral place for parents to work on the skills they're learning is important. Walking through Light provides a house setting for supervised visitations where parents can integrate the skills they've been learning through the services provided them. We currently provide a basement that provides a living area, an area to cook food and eat at a table, and a restroom and sink. Items like cooking supplies (pots, pans, bowls, silverware, plates, hot plate, and microwave) provided. We also have supplies like changing table, diapers and wipes (emergency use), and a high chair.
The basement is available by booking only to allow a family the space to interact with each other. Only one family per booking please! To book contact Jennie at
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Overnight Placement
Coming Soon!!!!
We provide stable, secure, enriching, emergency placement for children and youth in foster care ages birth to 18. The emergency shelter provides trauma informed care and uses crisis intervention methods to ensure residents and staff are safe and well cared for. The program teaches responsibility, life skills (such as cooking and cleaning) and how to follow a routine.